phase 9 – ist – intensive support team intervention
The Secondary Intensive Support Team will begin to pilot their support to secondary schools in the Autumn Term 2021. This support will focus on maintaining the placements of young people with challenging SEMH needs, building school capacity, supporting staff well-being and strengthening relationships.
Referrals to the Intensive Support Team can be made following the implementation of the school-based phases of the SEMH graduated response. An ASSIST CONSULTATION can then be requested, which will support school in reviewing and evaluating the SEMH graduated response, as well as identifying clear actions and goals as set out in an ASSISTANCE PLAN. Following an agreed time period of up to six weeks, a REVIEW will then take place where a decision is made determining if schools need to re-engage with traded services or whether the case moves to the IST PANEL stage; where a Tier 2 or Tier 3 offer of IST support will be provided to schools.
Further information about Secondary IST support will be sent out to schools in 2021.